Concept maps for smart learning


Within the training paths proposed by universities there are often dependencies between the courses offered: in addition to the obligatory preparatory courses (for example, “Mathematical Analysis 1” should be attended before “Mathematical Analysis 2”), there are other links whose knowledge could greatly benefit students’ curricula (for example, โ€œMathematical Analysis 1โ€ is recommended for the โ€œEconomics 1โ€ exam). Students should be able to consult and take advantage of this knowledge to better create their study plans and thus avoid attending courses without adequate preparation and therefore increase the rate of successfully completed exams.


To meet the needs of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Bergamo, we have developed a tool to visualize and explore the dependencies between the study courses offered. In this way, students will be able to easily identify the courses of interest and any preparatory requirements, so as to be able to create a more effective and targeted study plan for their learning objectives.

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